"Boundary" Oil on wood panel, 9 x 12 inches, June 2019, Available.
For any inquiries about this work, please contact Galerie Youn in Montreal,, [email protected] From top: "Titanium and Tuscan red (Hansen)" Oil on wood panel, 9 x 12 inches | "Reclined" Oil on Dura-Lar (polyester film), 9 x 12 inches / painted surface: 8 x 11 inches | "Outward, inward" Oil on Dura-Lar (polyester film), 9 x 12 inches / painted surface: 8 x 11 inches, Available. For any inquiries about this work, please contact Galerie Youn in Montreal, [email protected]
Wishing you all a very nice week! Pierre "Reclined" Oil on Dura-Lar (polyester film), 9 x 12 inches / painted surface: 8 x 11 inches, May 2018, Available. For any inquiries about this work, please contact Galerie Youn in Montreal, [email protected]
"Welded" Oil on Dura-Lar (polyester film), 9 x 12 inches / painted surface: 10-1/4 x 8 inches, April 2018, Sold.
"Outward, inward" Oil on Dura-Lar (polyester film), 9 x 12 inches / painted surface: 8 x 11 inches, March 2018, Available. For any inquiries about this work, please contact Galerie Youn in Montreal, [email protected]
"Titanium and Tuscan red (Hansen)" Oil on wood panel, 9 x 12 inches, February 2018, Available. For any inquiries about this work, please contact Galerie Youn in Montreal, [email protected]
For those who are not on Facebook, I want to inform you that something bad has happened to my partner in life last September, hence I’ve been quiet on this blog for quite some time now. Without entering into the details regarding the event, I had to make a pause on my production in order to be with him. More than two months later, Michel having regained a large part of his autonomy, I can go back to the studio and resume where everything stopped. I’m currently finishing a project from last summer and have also started two new small format series. The first is an oil-on-panel series and the second is planned to be an exploration integrating drawing, watercolor and acrylic on polyester film. In parallel, I’ll continue my research and experiments that will be shared regularly on my new Tumblr: related matter. Here’s the link: https://pierreraby-relatedmatter.tumblr.com/ To be continued… Have a nice weekend everyone! -Pierre "Midnight Neptune" Oil on wood panel, Diam. 20 inches, September 2017, Available. For any inquiries about this work, please contact Galerie Youn in Montreal, [email protected]
Unfolding MatterLatest news on my current work and artistic journey.
June 2019