"Gravitational waves" Oil on wood panel, 14 x 18 inches, April 2017, Available. For any inquiries about this work, please contact Galerie Youn in Montreal, [email protected]
"Copper glow" Oil on wood panel, 10 x 8 inches, January 2017, Available.
For any inquiries please contact me. "By the shore" Oil on wood panel, 20 x 24 inches, November 2016, Private collection.
(Click image to enlarge.) (Click image to enlarge) From left to Right: "Wheel no.1" Oil on canvas, 18 x 14 inches, 2005 / "Wheel no.2" Oil on canvas, 16 x 12 inches, 2005" / Wheel no.3 Oil on canvas, 14 x 12 inches, 2005.
These 3 paintings can be found on this page: Available Past Works If you have any questions, please contact me. Thank you for your visit! Pierre (Click image to enlarge) B & W cropped details from : Left "M and the cake no.1" Oil on canvas, 28 x 20 inches, September 2007 / Right "M and the cake no.2" Oil on canvas, 30 x 24 inches, October 2008.
Narrative When I started exploring with oil, about 12 years ago, I’ve been naturally drawn to explore the human psyche through narrative figure compositions. One of my obsessions in that period was the male figure and the act of eating. Eating as a metaphor of self-preservation and self-celebration. Composed like mundane cinematographic stills, my vision was to reveal some deeper transient presence of our human condition. That was only a start and I plan to go back to this series in the near future. Original photos can be found on this new section of my website: Available Past Works For any inquiries, please contact me. Thank you for your visit! Pierre (Click image to enlarge.)
With winter coming to an end, here comes the time to make some space in the studio. Along with these 3 paintings, you’ll find many more available past works here: Available Past Works For any inquiries please contact me. Thank you for your visit! Pierre "Merging" Charcoal and pastel on toned paper, 16 x 23 inches (total surface 17-1/2 x 24-1/2 inches)
(Click image to enlarge.) Available. To inquire about this drawing, please contact me. |
Unfolding MatterLatest news on my current work and artistic journey.
June 2019